Subclass 143 Contributory Parent Permanent Visa
Subclass 143 Contributory Parent Permanent visa

Subclass 143 Contributory Parent Permanent visa

The subclass 143 Contributory Parent Permanent visa allows parents of an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen who is settled in Australia to live in Australia permanently.

Given the processing time for non-contributory parent visas (currently 30 years plus) in most instances a contributory parent visa is the only practical option to bring a parent to Australia to live permanently.

Applicants for subclass 143 Contributory Parent visas must meet the “balance of family” test, meaning 50% or more of their children must live permanently in Australia as permanent residents or more of their children live permanently in Australia as permanent residents than in any other country.

Applicants for the subclass 143 Contributor Parent visa must have at least one child to nominate them for the visa who is settled in Australia, meaning they must have lived permanently in Australia for at least two years before the subclass 143 Parent visa application is lodged.

Applicants must undergo health and character checks to meet the criteria for the visa.

As the subclass 143 Contributory Parent visa is a permanent residence visa, visa holders can go on to become Australian citizens after a qualifying period.

Contributory Parent